Our speaker for the June meeting will be Axel Cahiz with Amazonia Orchids. Axel stud- ied Bio-tech engineering at Clemson University and has been growing orchids for a little more than 30 years. Axel is a second generation orchid grower, with his father starting the business in Venezuela. Amazonia Orchids, Inc. opened its doors in 1992.
Amazonia Orchids own and operate their own lab where they do seedling and cloning of orchids. Amazonia Orchids, Inc. has around 200,000 plants plus the ones in the lab. They specialize in Cattleyas Species and its hybrids and also do some genetic studies on the orchids. One of Axel’s plants was awarded with Reserve Grand Champion in 19th WOC in Miami Florida. His presentation will be on the proper growing of Cattleyas.